
Week 29-2002

01-07-2002 One item all us model train followers want is our own, very big, layout room. I started off building a layout in my garage, which was great to begin with, but over time became a major headache.

To run trains, three lift-out sections would have to be fitted across the two garage doors and the section in between. Dust was a major factor. Although there was a ceiling, the cornices were not properly sealed, and no matter what we did, dust would come sweeping in through the Garage doors.

Lastly, no matter what, the modules always became a place to store this and that. So often, before even running a train, all sorts of rubbish had to be removed from the top of the layouts before even running.

The solution, build a dedicated train room. This was no small task, and the common thought on everyone’s mind was where. One day, I had an aberration on where to build it and the rest is history.

This is the current view of the area that will be built upon. The boat will be parked round the back of the building where there will be room for extra cars, caravans etc.

The area involved is basically unused and more often then not, cars park here. It does not form part of the main garden.

I.E. the ideal spot.

The wall in the picture will be knocked down and the gate on the right will now be on the left.

Basically where the gate is in this photo is where the new door to the Hobby room will be.

It is hoped that the new Hobby Room will enclose this area into a nice Courtyard as it is currently.

Where this photo was taken from, will basically be inside the room.

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