
Progress update

OK, It has again been a while since I have done an update. Honestly, other life happenings just took over. Not to say nothing has been happening on the layout though. I have still been doing little things here and there, and mainly operating as well as the odd show layout with the club and the Bend-Track modules we built.

Anyway, I have finally started to concentrate on the layout and East Glacier Park in this instalment. Looking at the photo below, this is a view down the town. This is just for an overview. Further below I go into more details on the specific industries.

In the foreground of the above image is a short spur for the RDC town commuter. I decided to incorporate this to add some more operations. Theoretical, the RDC will transport townsfolk to Whitefish from the various towns along the way. Once in Whitefish, holiday makers will return to East Glacier Park to head to the various ski slopes. Returning later in the day and then bringing the townsfolk home in the evening.

Below is a better photo from the side on. There still will be an Amtrak train, but that will be just once per day and also does not stop at all the towns along the way.

Still in East Glacier Park here are some of the industries. Below is AGM grain and seed on the left and Heinz Dried Fruit on the right.

Down below we have a further two industries. In the far distance is an oil distributor I decided to put in at the last minute. It can be seen that I have not even put the track down yet.

In the foreground, is a wood industry of some kind. I am still in a quandary with this one and am not happy with the layout or kit at this time. It just does not seem correct. So, currently I am mulling this industry over.

Below are two closer views of these industries. The Oil dealer I still need to name, and the timber section will be called Lumbar Logistics.

Well, that is it for now. I will keep you updated on developments as they happen... Or as soon after as is possible :-)